Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Tuesday Sept 5th moring

Fantastic morning practice today!

Started out with Joint Mobility and Flexibility drills.

Got in some nice Isometric and DVR work in for the Hands.

Nailed some Vacuum practice.

Then hit:

2 sets of Handstand warm-ups

2 sets of 3 for Back Extensions to Handstand Forward Rolls

2 sets of 3 per side for 1-arm Cartwheels

2 sets of 3 per side for Butterfly Kicks

2 sets of 3 per side for Monkey Flips

3 sets of Handstand Holds

3 sets of 5 for Pike Jumps

3 sets of 5 for Split Russian Jumps

 3 sets of Straddle Handstand Holds

3 sets of Tuck Planche Holds

2 sets of Bent-arm Lever Holds

3 sets per side of 1-arm Bent-arm Lever Variation Holds

2 sets of Forearm stand holds.

3 sets of Tiger Bend Negatives.

And finished up with 3 rounds of the Ring of Fire.

Great stuff!!

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