Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Sunday May 7th

Very cool Sunday training!!

Started out the morning with Joint Mobility work.

Hit the Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps in the evening.

Started out with Down the Rack Upright Rows.  Grabbed a barbell and hit 6 reps with it, immediately dropped 10 pounds off the bar and got 6 reps with it, kept on going for 4 drops. Hit 3 sets like this.

Moved onto 2 sets of 20 and 12 seconds per side for 1-arm Lateral Raise Static Holds.

Then hit 3 sets of Down the Rack Rear Delt Raises.  Grabbed a pair of dumbbells and hit 6 reps with it, immediately grabbed the next size down and got 6 reps with it, kept on going for 6 drops. Hit 3 sets like this.

Moved onto a super set for the biceps. Hit the first move, immediately went into the second move, and repeated for 3 sets. The first move was 3 sets of 10, 8 and 7 for Incline Dumbbell Curls. The second move was 3 sets of 6, 4 and 7 for Barbell Curls.

Then hit a tri-set for the Triceps. Hit the first move, immediately went into the second one and immediately went into the third move. Got 3 sets in. The first move was 3 sets of 10 for Triceps Pressdowns. The seconds movement was 3 sets of 8 for Overhead Rope Extensions. The final move was 3 sets f 10 for Triceps Chair Dips.

Great stuff!!

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